Sunday, November 16, 2008

Natural Asthma Cure - Asthma Homeopathic Treatment

With the numerous and latest natural remedies and alternative medicines for asthma conditions, there is always the so-called natural asthma cure. However, in reality, there is no real cure for asthma conditions.

The best cure that is given to the condition can only be referred as the asthma treatment or products.

One natural asthma cure is the natural therapy that aids in managing the asthma condition. A negative response to emotional stress may cause asthma attacks. To relieve stress, some natural relaxation remedies can help such as biofeedback, guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation and deep abdominal breathing.

Other studies show that diet can be a natural remedy for asthma, since it helps alleviates the asthma symptoms. Eating food rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as cod, mackerel, salmon and any other kind of high-fat fish can help decrease inflammation within the body that cause asthma attacks. Though this fact is still unproven to benefit asthma conditions, high-fat fishes can be rich in other vitamins and minerals that help boost the immune system of the body.

While considering which natural asthma treatment to use, it is also necessary to give importance on the possible effects of the cure, whether beneficial or risky. Do not use any type of dietary supplements without the proper consultation from the health professional or asthma specialist.

There might be some diet supplements that could contain products or plants that are allergens to your asthma condition such as pollen. Without the proper consultation, it may result in some serious or life threatening situations.

Even without the natural asthma cure, asthma conditions can still be controlled and treated through several medications. In managing asthma for treatment and control, it should be secured with proper diagnosis on what kind of asthma it is. If possible, work with the doctor on developing an action plan for your asthma condition.

Discover the best chronic asthma naturist treatment at my site. Visit my asthma homeopathy site for more information.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

An Acute Asthma Attack - This is the Way the Professionals Easily Treated It

nflammation in the airways causes them to narrow in one of three ways, they may flood with mucus, the inner lining of the bronchi may swell or the spiral muscles in the bronchi can constrict, or in the worst cases a combination of all three.

This leads to the characteristic wheezing as you struggle to breathe. Your chest will feel tight, you may cough up phlegm and you will be short of breath. In an acute attack, it will be difficult to breathe in, and you will feel as though someone is suffocating you.

Classic symptoms of an asthma attack include the following:

- Difficulty in breathing accompanied by loud wheezing, especially when breathing out.

- Hyperventilation - that is, breathing more rapidly than normal

- Pushed out chest and difficulty in speaking

- A blue tinge to the face, especially around the lips and mouth, a sign that you are not getting enough oxygen.

- Racing pulse and sweating

A severe acute asthma attack is a medical emergency and needs to be treated by a doctor and in hospital. The racing pulse could just mean that you are scared or it could be caused by the bronchodilator (the medication you are likely to administer yourself by means of a puffer) which stimulates the release of adrenaline.

In an asthma attack, make sure the sufferer uses reliever medication immediately, is that has no effect within 5 to 10 minutes call the emergency services, continue with the medication until help arrives. If not, you must bring the sufferer to the nearest hospital immediately.

Want Tips on Asthma Treatment, all you have to do is Click

Asthma and Your Airways - What Other People Are Not Telling You About Asthma Treatments

Your lungs can usually cope with microscopic invaders. A quick cough or sneeze and they are smartly expelled. But when you have asthma, your immune response will leap into action if you breathe in any substance to which you are allergic.

The normal airway, or bronchus, is lines with a fine protective layer, the mucosa or epithelium. Some cells in this layer produce fluid or mucus, while others pass these secretions up the bronchial tubes to the mouth by moving tiny hair like cells, or cilia, which coat the surface of these cells.

The mucus is then swallowed, to be sterilized by the acid in the stomach, or expelled by coughing. Cilia are destroyed by smoking, which is why so many smokers develop a phlegmy cough.

Below the mucosa is the submucosa, which in turn encases a spiral sheet of muscle. This muscle can tighten suddenly to protect the air sacs when you inhale something you should not, such as water.

Asthma is caused when the airways become inflamed to such an extent that some are even blocked. This inflammation may be triggered by inhaling an allergen, such as pollen. If you breathe in an allergen it penetrates deep into your lungs and lodges in the tiny air sacs called alveoli.

The immune system recognizes the allergen as an invader, even though it is not, and sends out antibodies, setting off an allergic reaction. Inflammation is the body's way of dealing with infection and usually it is short lived.

However, in asthma the inflammation of the airways can last for several hours. This increases the mucus in the lungs and can leave the bronchi sensitive, often for a number of days.

If you have attack after attack the inflammation does not have the chance to calm down, instead the condition develops into a chronic, or long term, illness. In severe cases of asthma the airways thicken and mucus plugs block the bronchi, even when you are not having an attack. It is also likely that even moderately affected asthmatics have some degree of inflammation between attacks.

To find out how to treat your asthma, try this Asthma Treatment Secrets! all you have to do is Click

Exercise For Asthma Patients - Some Important Tips

Most people who suffer from Asthma perhaps wonder if they can exercise safely or properly. Leaving apart what most people think, one can actually exercise to get in shape even when you are a victim of Asthma.

Asthma comes more as a lung disorder that is chronic, marked by features of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing. Asthma occurs when people get environmentally or genetically predisposed to conditions.

Triggers such as viral respiratory infections, exposure to cockroaches or dust mites and exposure to allergens could start or make any attack worse.

Preventing Asthma could be done in the following manner:

1. Make sure to bathe your pets at least weekly.

2. Never smoke or permit to smoke at your dwelling

3. When pollen or mold counts are more, ensure to stay in-door with air-conditioning.

4. Don't forget to wash stuffed toys and bedding at least once in a week with hot water.

5. Ensure to wash hands every time you get the chance.

6. Have a flu shot given to yourself.

7. During Winter wear a scarf covering nose and mouth.

8. Become proactive knowing your triggers right; knowing how to avoid them.

The above pointers have made you aware about asthma prevention. There are exercises that fit in such circumstances too. Any doctor would suggest not giving up on exercise and sports, whatsoever. All that people need to be aware of is to be alert and smart about taking special pre-cautions towards avoiding attacks.

Doctors would agree that preventing attacks while you are exercising could be done in a best way; using an inhaler along with appropriate medications. Inhalers should not be used more than three times when you are in an exercise session or a game. If you have been wheezing and coughing the previous night, then it is implied to implement lighter exercises the next day.

For Exercise Induced Asthma, IEA, the symptoms differ to what is generic. The attack occurs after about 6-7 minutes of attack and is often worse in case of dry and cold air.

When you are suffering from IEA, there are various activities which could be enjoyed. These activities include walking, biking, downhill skiing, swimming, or team based sports. Quite many activities could be tried to ascertain that you get the much needed exercise.

Asthma is not something that is within the mind; it is fully physiological and an equally similar medical treatment is required for the same. Your doctor is the best person who could assist you with the disorder; you need to prevent yourself from any asthma attacks.

Ascertain to be smart by taking the right medications at the right time and being proactive. Never let asthma bring misery in your life; enjoy life and exercise just like anyone else would have done.

Abhishek is a Health And Fitness expert and he has got some great Fitness Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 111 Pages Ebook, "Complete Body Fitness" from his website

Living With Asthma Doesn't Have to Be Difficult

Living with asthma is not an easy task, but with proper plan and management, you can make it easy. Having it is a battle, especially through childhood. Being a child with this condition is definitely makes it a family affair.


You should know about the things which worsen your symptoms. The more you know about it and, what causes your symptoms, and how to prevent them, the better you'll able to take care of yourself. If you've been living with symptoms of asthma even for a short period of time, it's still important to seek help from your doctor or another medical professional. Living with this can result in tremendous stress for the person that has it and the entire family.


Triggers differ for each person, so it might take a while to figure out what all of yours. Asthma, affecting nearly 20 million Americans, is a common respiratory disease in which the airways to the lungs accumulate excess mucus, due to allergic triggers, develop inflammation and eventually the bronchial tubes tighten up making breathing difficult or even impossible. Educating yourself on the triggers,medication, and management, can be very useful and may even prevent some attacks.


Find out how to improve your asthma control and live life to the fullest. You can control and reduce the risk of attacks once you educate yourself. Wash your hands often to control cold and flu and get a flu shot every year. It can be deadly for kids, especially children under the age of twelve if not controlled.


Natural Remedies for Asthma are fast becoming a popular alternative to conventional medications. Natural remedies can be very effective, and can make an awful lot of difference. Work closely with your doctor if you're going to be trying out natural remedies.

The natural remedies for it are more beneficial in curing the disease. For anyone that has asthma knows that living with it is a chore, but as with any chore, you can make it easier. Learn how To reduce triggers in Your home. Living with condition is a daily struggle, but there are ways in which you can reduce your triggers and improve your breathing and ultimately improve your life.

LA is an established free lance writer who enjoys writing articles to give consumers enough information to make informed decisions.

For more tips and products on living with asthma visit

Treating Your Asthma Can Be Like a Breath of Fresh Air

Treating asthma is key to decreasing the number of attacks you experience. The treatment can be long-term or quick-relief depending on how severe the individuals symptoms are.


Asthma is caused by the inflammation of the airways and is usually related, at least in part, to allergies. It can be a hard condition to live with and attacks need to be treated as soon as possible. This condition is classified into five groups based on severity: exercise-induced (exercise-induced bronchospasm), mild intermittent asthma, mild persistent, moderate persistent, severe persistent. "During an attacks, the airways are more obstructed and the airflow decreases.


Watch for early signs and respond fast. Some of these signs and symptoms are relatively easy to notice if only you know where to look. The signs that appear in children are: breathlessness, often with wheeze coughing, particularly at night and after exercise tight feeling in the chest.


This condition can be treated but it is more than just taking medicine. Only a doctor who is treating you can provide you with medical advice examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Part of treating it is helping to prevent symptoms.

The most effective way of treating asthma is by delivering the medicine directly to the lungs through an inhaler. However, because so many sufferers tend to ignore their doctors instructions, a major component to treating it is to educate patients and families about what asthma is and how to prevent attacks. By taking these necessary steps and precautions, you'll find that treatment can be easily done in an effective manner.

Keeping track of what triggers your symptoms by writing a symptom diary, also by Keeping a management plan handy for easy reference. You should know what the warnings signs of a sudden attack are and act fast to keep it from worsening. Prevention is the best key to treating asthma symptoms and lessens the need to use a reliever more often, and waking up at night with over whelming symptoms.

LA is an established free lance writer who enjoys writing articles to give consumers enough information to make informed decisions.

For more information and products on asthma visit

Thursday, November 6, 2008

An Acute Asthma Attack - This is the Way the Professionals Easily Treated It

Inflammation in the airways causes them to narrow in one of three ways, they may flood with mucus, the inner lining of the bronchi may swell or the spiral muscles in the bronchi can constrict, or in the worst cases a combination of all three.

This leads to the characteristic wheezing as you struggle to breathe. Your chest will feel tight, you may cough up phlegm and you will be short of breath. In an acute attack, it will be difficult to breathe in, and you will feel as though someone is suffocating you.

Classic symptoms of an asthma attack include the following:

- Difficulty in breathing accompanied by loud wheezing, especially when breathing out.

- Hyperventilation - that is, breathing more rapidly than normal

- Pushed out chest and difficulty in speaking

- A blue tinge to the face, especially around the lips and mouth, a sign that you are not getting enough oxygen.

- Racing pulse and sweating

A severe acute asthma attack is a medical emergency and needs to be treated by a doctor and in hospital. The racing pulse could just mean that you are scared or it could be caused by the bronchodilator (the medication you are likely to administer yourself by means of a puffer) which stimulates the release of adrenaline.

In an asthma attack, make sure the sufferer uses reliever medication immediately, is that has no effect within 5 to 10 minutes call the emergency services, continue with the medication until help arrives. If not, you must bring the sufferer to the nearest hospital immediately.

Want Tips on Asthma Treatment, all you have to do is Click Now!!

Asthma and Your Airways - What Other People Are Not Telling You About Asthma Treatments

Your lungs can usually cope with microscopic invaders. A quick cough or sneeze and they are smartly expelled. But when you have asthma, your immune response will leap into action if you breathe in any substance to which you are allergic.

The normal airway, or bronchus, is lines with a fine protective layer, the mucosa or epithelium. Some cells in this layer produce fluid or mucus, while others pass these secretions up the bronchial tubes to the mouth by moving tiny hair like cells, or cilia, which coat the surface of these cells.

The mucus is then swallowed, to be sterilized by the acid in the stomach, or expelled by coughing. Cilia are destroyed by smoking, which is why so many smokers develop a phlegmy cough.

Below the mucosa is the submucosa, which in turn encases a spiral sheet of muscle. This muscle can tighten suddenly to protect the air sacs when you inhale something you should not, such as water.

Asthma is caused when the airways become inflamed to such an extent that some are even blocked. This inflammation may be triggered by inhaling an allergen, such as pollen. If you breathe in an allergen it penetrates deep into your lungs and lodges in the tiny air sacs called alveoli.

The immune system recognizes the allergen as an invader, even though it is not, and sends out antibodies, setting off an allergic reaction. Inflammation is the body's way of dealing with infection and usually it is short lived.

However, in asthma the inflammation of the airways can last for several hours. This increases the mucus in the lungs and can leave the bronchi sensitive, often for a number of days.

If you have attack after attack the inflammation does not have the chance to calm down, instead the condition develops into a chronic, or long term, illness. In severe cases of asthma the airways thicken and mucus plugs block the bronchi, even when you are not having an attack. It is also likely that even moderately affected asthmatics have some degree of inflammation between attacks.

To find out how to treat your asthma, try this Asthma Treatment Secrets! all you have to do is Click Now!

Childhood Asthma Natural Treatment

The answer to treating your child asthma does not necessarily have to be found in doctor's office. Some studies show that things your child may be exposed to by his or her doctor - like vaccines or antibiotics - may even be some of the causes of childhood asthma. In fact, both the Department of Social Security in the UK and the Health Department in Australia acknowledge an association between asthma and antibiotics.

The Institute of Medicine's Immunization Safety Review Committee reported to have found a possible connection between immune systems affected by the administration of vaccines and the development of allergies leading to childhood asthma. For these reasons among many others, it is important for parents to consider natural treatment for childhood asthma.

One of the natural treatments available for childhood asthma is marine phytoplankton. Marine phytoplankton has supports ocean life with a unique combination of life sustaining nutrients including like Omega 3 essential fatty acids, protein and vitamins. The overdependence of Americans on land-based food sources as lead to a population lacking in many nutrients. Marine phytoplankton replenishes these nutrients and promotes and maintains optimum health.

Researchers looking for natural treatments for childhood asthma have found that controlled exposure to sunlight or other sources of ultraviolet light could reduce asthma. Studies conducted by the research team at Perth's Telethon Institute for Child Health Research and funded by the Asthma Foundation of WA illustrated the effects of ultraviolet light exposure on mice with asthmatic symptoms. Mice exposed to ultraviolet light for about 20 minutes experienced significantly less asthma-like symptoms after being introduced to an allergen. Researchers are excited to try to apply these findings to as a natural treatment for children suffering from asthma.

Homeopaths are tried and proven natural treatments for children suffering from asthma caused by allergies. Research conducted at the University of Glasgow indicates that those patients who receive very small homeopathic doses of whatever substance to which they are most allergic experience less asthmatic symptoms after just one week of treatment. In fact, over 80% patients given a homeopathic remedy improved. Some general of homeopathic treatment include better respiratory function, more open airways, easy breathing, strengthened immune system functioning and relaxed bronchioles.

Speleotherapy is one of the oldest known natural treatments for asthma. The unique microclimate of the salt mines has been reported to improve patients with various forms of bronchial asthma and other types of respiratory diseases. Every year more than 1000 children attend the Ukrainian Allergological Hospital speleotherapy clinic. The treatment is quickly becoming well known worldwide as one of the most effective natural treatments for people with asthma. The alternative to traveling to the salt mines of Eastern Europe is to inhale a salt air steam by heating salt solution in a ceramic salt inhaler.

Katie Appleby is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about childhood asthma natural treatments, please visit At Home Asthma Care
for current articles and discussions.

Symptoms of Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a disease that occurs on the respiratory system wherein inflammation is experienced by the mucous membrane of the bronchial passages of the lungs. This irritation could cause thickness and swelling thus narrowing the tiny airways that can be found in the lungs. As a result, spells of coughing will be experienced by the patient accompanied by breathlessness and thick phlegm, which are also considered as among the symptoms of bronchitis.

There are actually two types of bronchitis and these are the acute bronchitis, which could last not more than 6 weeks and the chronic bronchitis, which reoccurs quite often in the span of two years or more. Aside from this, there is also another form of this respiratory disease, which is known as the asthmatic bronchitis that happens to people who already have asthma.

One of main symptoms of bronchitis, as mentioned earlier, is a cough that is accompanied with green or yellowish-gray sputum or mucus. Although the presence of mucus is not unusual as it is normal for one's airways to secrete mucus every day, this doesn't usually accumulate. This is because these secretions are cleared continuously in one's throat and are just swallowed along with the saliva. However, when the bronchial tubes or the lung's main passageways for air get inflamed, large quantities of discolored mucus are usually produced and these are coughed up during coughing spells. If after three months, this symptom is still being experienced by a patient, then he or she already has a case of chronic bronchitis. Secondary infection is always looked into if there is mucus present that is not clear or is not white in color.

However, the symptoms of bronchitis are really quite deceptive in nature. This is because there are cases of bronchitis wherein the presence of mucus is not there. This is especially hard in children, who oftentimes get to swallow the mucus that they coughed up, thus masking the presence of a possible secondary infection. There are even many smokers who have does the throat-clearing habit during mornings, immediately after they get out of bed. While they might think that this is just normal, it could actually be a symptom of bronchitis. If this clearing of throat goes on even after three months have already passed, then this could already be chronic bronchitis.

There are also other symptoms of bronchitis that could accompany the coughing bouts and mucus. This is because it is common for acute bronchitis to be accompanied by the usual signs that are usually apparent in an infection on the upper respiratory tract. These include sore throat, chills and slight fever, breathlessness, soreness and a constricting burning feeling in the chest, wheezing, chest congestion, overall malaise and fullness of the sinus cavities.

Katie Appleby is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about symptoms of bronchitis, please visit Quality Mens Health for current articles and discussions.

Good Ways to Heal Bronchitis

If your bronchial tubes are covered by the mucous membranes, you may have bronchitis. Bronchitis is caused by the inflammation of the mucous membranes covering the inside of the bronchial tubes. Usually accompanied by fever and a strong cough, bronchitis is very boring and difficulty to treat. The patient with bronchitis always has a cough, often with large amounts of thick sputum. Bronchitis is often treated using expensive prescription drugs with unwanted side effects. Natural medicine and healing herbs can be used at home for an effective treatment for bronchitis. It's very useful and easy to handle. On the other hand, it's not so much expensive.

Turmeric powder is an affective natural home remedy for bronchitis and its symptoms. So, you should take some turmeric powder daily. Add half 1/2 tsp. of turmeric powder to 1/2 glass of milk and drink two or three times a day on an empty stomach. On the other hand, you could wrap 1/2 tsp. ginger powder, 1/2 tsp. of pepper and 1/2 tsp. of clove powder in a small piece of cheesecloth securing it tightly with a knot. Boil 2 cups of water and remove from heat, adding the cheesecloth with herbs and allowing it to steep for five minutes. Drink this natural healing tea three times a day to reduce a fever and calm a cough. Add a spoonful of honey to sweeten if desired.

It's a good method to take 1 tsp of juice from a raw onion every morning to help expel and prevent the production of mucus and phlegm. Poultice made from linseed is good for your body, so you should apply a hot poultice made from linseed to the chest and back to help soothe a cough and expel phlegm naturally, helping to treat and relieve the symptoms of bronchitis. Boil one cup of linseed in 4 cups of water until moist and soft. Soak in a towel in the hot water and cover the chest and back, repeating as needed. Prepare a hot vapor bath with eucalyptus oil at night before bed to relax the body and soothe night time cough. Simply draw a bath as hot as you can stand and add 20 drops of eucalyptus oil. Hold the natural healing vapors in the tub by closing the shower curtains. Soak as long as desired. It's good for the patient to drink those teas which boiled enough time.

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Natural Remedies For Asthma That Are Simple and Effective

In this article you will know the major causes and natural remedies for asthma. Just continue reading this article to discover how you can reduce the likelihood of an asthma attack.

Major causes of asthma

Factors that precipitate an asthma attack are referred as triggers. They cause the air passages to get clogged and constricted, making it difficult for the patient to breathe. The inflamed bronchioles generate more mucus and also cause the muscles around them to tighten and get irritated, constricting the airways. This is called a bronchospasm.

Below are some common causes of asthma -

1. Allergy: For most it is an allergy to foods, pollens, perfumes, body sprays, deodorizers, the weather, drugs or any other irritants. They vary from person to person. However, dust allergies seem to be the most common factor.

2. Combination of Factors: For others, it is triggered off by a combination of allergic and non-allergic factors including stress and tension, air pollution or infections.

3. Heredity: In most of the cases it has been found that when one or both parents suffer from asthma, the children have similar allergic reactions.

4. Abnormal Body Chemistry: Asthma may result from the abnormal body chemistry involving the body's enzymes or a defect in muscular action within the lungs.

Natural remedies for asthma

Most medication for treating asthma seeks to reduce the inflammation by using anti-inflammatory medications, or inhalers to temporarily dilate the passageway. There are some natural remedies for asthma that helps to lower the frequency of asthmatic episodes. While asthma cannot be cured, it can be managed through appropriate asthma treatment. The first step in asthma treatment involves changing an asthmatic's environment. This type of asthma treatment can be as simple and effective too. This includes washing bedding every week in hot water, or eliminating pets from the home.

Other effective asthma treatment involves replacing carpeting with hardwood or tile, using leather or vinyl furniture rather than upholstered chairs and sofas, using the air conditioner and replacing down bedding with bedding made with synthetic materials.

Note: Remember these natural remedies can't replace your asthma medication but can only support your treatment.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Looking for some more home remedies for asthma? Check out the biggest home remedies website and find some effective home remedies for bronchitis to relieve pain with home based medicines.

Stop Asthma Attacks Without Drugs - 3 Crucial Aspects to Safely Overcoming Asthma

You can conquer your asthma beginning immediately. You will have to fight a battle on 3 fronts, but in this technological age everything you need to know is at your fingertips. Plan your campaign of attack and begin today, and in a very short time you could be experiencing life-long freedom from asthma symptoms.

1. Triggers of asthma and allergies

If you suffer from asthma, chances are that your attacks are triggered by something in your environment. either at work or at home. More and more information about asthma triggers is now available via the internet.

2. Breath re-training

But even where triggers are present, breath re-training has been proven to be highly effective for the prevention and control of asthma symptoms. Scientific tests have shown that by re-training your habitual breathing patterns, you can control the onset of an attack, and with further practice, eliminate attacks altogether using the simple method described in this article (Read on).

3. Nutritional supplements and herbal remedies

Over the past century, the march of Western Medicine has enabled us to control the symptoms of a variety of illnesses. Meanwhile, age-old herbal treatments have been forgotten or relegated to the status of "snake-oil" and quackery, but evidence shows that our ancestors new more than most of us realize about freely available herbs and natural remedies that can be highly effective.

The fact is that many of the expensive drugs on the market today are synthetic versions of traditional herbal remedies. It stands to reason - if modern Western medicine were the only way to really control illness, human beings would have become extinct thousands of years ago.

Many of us already know that certain plants have profoundly beneficial effects on the respiratory system, but few know the exact amounts and proportions of the ingredients needed to maximize effectiveness.

If you suffer from severe, life-threatening asthma attacks as I did many years ago, you will need to develop your health and wellness campaign to tackle all three of the above-mentioned areas, and the best place to start is with your breathing.

The Buteyko Method

During the 1950s, a young Russian doctor - Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko - discovered that what he called "the asthma response" was not, as commonly believed, oxygen starvation caused by blocked or restricted bronchial tubes, but carbon dioxide starvation due to hyperventilation. His theory, like most radical ideas in history, was initially rejected by the authorities, but he was not deterred, and the Buteyko Method has since been proven effective in several scientific tests around the world.

Perhaps it would be cynical to suggest that the only reason his method has not gained the universal recognition and acceptance it deserves is the profitability for pharmaceutical companies of keeping countless millions of sufferers dependent on drugs known to have serous side-effects.

Thankfully you can begin to test and train yourself in the Buteyko Method quite simply as follows:

Take 2 normal breaths, then breath out. How long can you hold your breath? This is called the "Control Pause Experiment". The average person manages around 20-25 seconds. Less than that is a sign of breathing dysfunction.

Now breathe through your nose for about 5 minutes. Keep your mouth shut and breath quietly and gently, in the mid-range of your lung capacity. Avoid over-inhaling and over-exhaling. Now repeat the "control pause" and see if you can hod your breath for longer.

Repeat the cycle of holding your breath, breathing gently for 5 minutes and holding again 4 or 5 times in all.

Repeat this sequence 3 or 4 times daily, every day for a week.

Increasing your 'control pause' test result is the goal. Your target is 60 seconds or more. If you can achieve this within one week, there's a good chance that you will have your asthma symptoms under control.

Warning: Never discontinue prescribed medication without proper consultation with a qualified medical professional.

You should supplement this regular breathing exercise and testing with the nutritional and allergic trigger information which can be found at Richard Coldman is a freelance author, musician and filmmaker with nearly 30 years experience in Chinese martial arts and therapeutic movement. He cured himself of chronic asthma in 1980 through breath retraining, biofeedback, herbs and allergic trigger avoidance.

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Asthma

Asthma starts at all ages. There are two types of asthma.

1. Extrinsic

2. Intrinsic

Extrinsic asthma is the most common type of asthma seen in asthma patients all over the world. Extrinsic asthma develops during childhood, since children are most susceptible to allergies. Most allergies in children are due to hay fever, eczema or family history of allergies.These allergies disappear as the child grows older and so does asthma, but they may reappear in later stages of life.

Intrinsic type of asthma occurs mostly in women who are in their late 20s and early 30s. It is not associated with allergies and intrinsic type of asthma is more chronic and perennial.

The cause of intrinsic asthma can be traced to respiratory tract infections. Asthma also has categorizations based on the intensity of the disease. Asthma can be mild, moderate and severe Mild asthma is found in 30% of the patients. With the decrease in air quality, asthma has become a very prevalent condition, especially in Western societies.

Scientists believe that if you have a parent with asthma, and depending on you genetic makeup, you run the risk of being predisposed to a diagnosis of asthma. Your risk of been diagnosed with an asthma allergy increases if you also have a sibling who has also been diagnosed with asthma. Preventers are used regularly and are taken long term to control chronic symptoms and prevent asthma attacks. Relievers are used for speedy, short-term relief during symptoms of worsening asthma attack. Medications for allergy-induced asthma reduce your body's reaction to a particular allergy and prevent your immune system from reacting to allergies.

This article was write buy Phil Cullen, to find out more about asthma click on the link here.

Instant Relief For Asthma Symptoms - Naturally

Out of every 15 students, one will suffer from asthma symptoms. It has an effect on physical activity, sports involvement, school, friends, and every aspect of their life. A number of individuals prefer fast, natural relief to deal with their asthma attacks, and avoid the use of chemicals. Keep in mind, though, that asthma treatment using natural remedies hinges on the specific trigger at the root of the attack.

There are a variety of triggers and processes that can lead to an asthma attack. Among the many triggers are mold, pets, chemicals, smoke, perfume, cleaning agents, food allergies, emotional stress, environmental allergens, changes in barometric pressure, cold temperatures, and pests like rats and cockroaches.

The range of treatments for asthma attacks encompasses steroids, drugs and ongoing medical intervention. One immediate natural relief for asthma is to avoid the triggers such as avoiding pets, chemicals, environmental allergens and emotional stress. Some triggers are unavoidable such as barometric pressure changes and cold weather or pest droppings in buildings that require your presence.

Natural remedies, including stress reducers, can be used to manage other triggers like emotional stress. Other people turn to herbs and organic foods that have potential positive effects on the prevention of an attack.

Another treatment that provides immediate natural relief for asthma is to work toward prevention by improving the immune system and decreasing the constrictions of the bronchioles and alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs. Aerosolized hydrogen peroxide used in a humidifier improves the availability of oxygen that can be metabolized by the asthma patient.

It's been shown that using hydrogen peroxide in the humidifier raises the level of oxygen available for use. Hydrogen peroxide will help the vaporization process, but can unfortunately bleach the walls and curtains around the vaporizer. With careful use, and if your doctor permits it, hydrogen peroxide can be added to the equipment that delivers your bronchodilator.

This is a method that helps to eliminate some of the attacks and improve the immune system but it doesn't address the underlying cause of the asthma. You should investigate various means of managing your emotional stress for fast and natural treatment of stress induced asthma attacks. Try using Reiki, which is a technique used to reduce stress, help you relax, and provide healing not only to your body but to your spirit.

The name Reiki is taken from two Japanese characters that describe energy itself: "rei", meaning "unseen" or "spiritual", and "ki", meaning "energy" or "life force". When your life flow is reduced, your chances of getting sick and experiencing stress are higher. If the Reiki is high we are more capable, happy and healthy. Reiki can provide immediate natural relief for asthma that treats the whole person - body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Natural relief for asthma symptoms such as stress reduction and other preventative practices will go a long way to reducing your dependence on medications.

Kim Archer writes for Asthma Treatment Today, a great source of information on causes and treatments of asthma

Asthma Lung Exercises

From childhood to adult stage, asthma can be a recurring concern to some individuals. Based on studies done by medical experts, asthma is a disease that kicks off usually during infancy wherein the airways are narrowed reversibly to the point of block air to enter and get circulated to the bloodstream. When air is stopped from penetrating in, the patient can hardly breathe out. This is an alarming situation as this is a large indicator that asthma is attacking. To remedy this annoying situation, you can get the habit of executing asthma lung exercises. If you are really serious about not having to deal with repetitious asthma attacks, you aim attention to how to avoid wheezing.

Doctors usually affirm to the diagnosis results of asthma by conducting some lung function tests. In response to certain happening like accidents or traumatic situations, shortness of breath, wheezing or coughing can take place. When this health situation lingers, it can be detrimental to health as breathing is longingly obstructed. Severe obstruction can lead to severe breathing difficulty which may trigger the stoppage of heart's performance and putting a halt to its beating. Asthma victims have long believed that by employing on a nebulizer or injecting asthma-intended drugs, the airways are immediately opened so that asthma attack is avoided. Asthma Lung exercises like breathing in and out deeply for certain number of times in a day may improve your manner of inhaling oxygen in and exhaling carbon dioxide out. More than 20 million residents in the United States are now embracing home and hospital remedies to lessen frequency of asthma occurrences and eventually eliminating the disease for long.

Chronic asthma is usually common to children but adults can also acquire it even at later age. Boys are the more affected groups before puberty; the girls get the attacks mostly after puberty. Just because you are attacked by asthma, you would deprive yourself from engaging in a fun-filled lifestyle. Count asthma lung exercises in as part of your lifestyle so that you can lessen the number of times it can possibly hit you. In cases when exercising triggers asthma, you have to manage it properly instead of actually quitting the exercise routine. You can get great inputs from respiratory therapists and asthma-centered nurses on standby online to give you knowledge on how to treat asthma.

By learning the basics of asthma such as causes, symptoms and quick remedies, you will learn to get appropriate medications and specific exercises to do on a regular basis. Besides nebulizers and reliever inhalers, you can remedy wheezing or coughing hardly by dong asthma lung exercises like swimming and stable running. Wearing masks while skiing or executing any cardiovascular workout can also avoid triggering asthma.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about asthma, please visit Easy Asthma Help for current articles and discussions

The Natural Cure For Asthma

I wanted to take the time to talk to you about the natural cure for asthma. If you're unfamiliar with what asthma is like, just picture not being able to breath. Time seems to stand still as you try to suck in just a little bit of air to feed your body. That's what asthma is like. It's a condition where muscles will constrict, at times, which close the airways and make it difficult to breath. It is a big problem in society, especially among children. They have to carry around an inhaler and puff on it a few times to make sure the airways are good. I'm going to share with you the natural cure for asthma, so you can get past this problem and move on with your life.

I think the most important thing that can be done is practicing breathing exercises. You're not always going to have medicine around you to help you. Most people naturally don't use much of their lungs. Actually a very small percentage is used. By using breathing techniques, you can force your body to start using larger volumes of your lungs capacity. Just focus on taking deep breaths and pushing your chest out as you breath in. That's all you have to do.

As for the natural cure for asthma; it's the sun. A study has shown that ultraviolet light can actually reduce and eliminate the symptoms of asthma. They're not sure exactly what makes this work, but it could very well be the vitamin D.

Learn more about the Natural Asthma Treatment.

Trouble Breathing Could Indicate Larger Problem

If you or a family member has recently noticed trouble breathing, it's important that you contact either your doctor or call emergency services. Unfortunately, people rush to judgment and place the blame on lack of exercise or the natural process of aging.

The fact is respiratory disruptions, often in the form of shortness of breath or tightening in the chest, can be symptoms of a variety of serious medical conditions. I will like to take a few moments to outline some of the health issues related to breathing problems so you can make fast and correct medical decisions.

Possible Causes of Breathing Problems

Trouble breathing is often associated with asthma, and this disorder is in fact one of the leading causes of respiratory problems. People with asthma suffer from inflammation of the bronchi, the tubes that let air flow between the windpipe and lungs. Irritants like pollen, mold and pollution can trigger as asthma attack. The person will experience shortness of breath; coughing and wheezing as the mucous and inflammatory tissue obstruct the airways.

Sometimes, people who have trouble breathing during physical activity are misdiagnosed with asthma when they really suffer from over exertion. Even reasonably fit people will have breathing problems if they don't pace themselves. I often remind athletes of the importance of starting out slow and working up to an intense pace so your body can adjust and keep up with you.

A condition known as Cardiac Asthma acts a lot like asthma, but is not actually a form of asthma at all. It occurs when the left ventricle cannot keep up with blood flow from the right ventricle and is often an early sign of heart disease. If you experience the symptoms of asthma, see your doctor who can make a diagnosis by taking your medical history and examining you for signs of allergic reactions and inflammation.

In addition to Cardiac Asthma, Coronary Artery Disease is another heart condition related to shortness of breath and is due to obstruction of the arteries that deliver blood to the heart. As you can see, breathing problems should not be taken lightly, as they could be signs of a heart condition.

A different cause of breathing problems is Apnea, a respiratory disorder that can vary in intensity. Most people with apnea suddenly stop breathing for short periods. Often occurring during sleep, this condition can escalate to prolonged apnea, which can lead to seizures, loss of consciousness, turning blue or going limp. If you experience cessation of breath, see your doctor right away.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is another respiratory issue to watch out for. It is due to continuous obstruction of your airways because of emphysema or chronic bronchitis. In either case, a doctor will treat these causes in order to alleviate shortness of breath.

Some Simple Healthy Answers

While working in accordance with your doctor is important to treat the conditions I've described, there are some things you can do to cope with breathing problems in your everyday life.

1) Avoid triggers like pollen, dust and mold.

2) Stay indoors when the air quality index indicates potential problems for people with your condition.

3) Notice if your symptoms get worse when you encounter specific triggers like pollution, vigorous activity, pet dander or certain body positions. Report this to your doctor.

4) Don't smoke. It makes existing breathing problems worse and could lead to emphysema.

5) Reduce stress. It often triggers asthma attacks or breathing problems.

6) Sleep smart. On your side, keep your back straight by placing a pillow between knees and another under the head. On your back, elevate your head slightly under pillows and place more pillows under bent knees.

7) Stay fit. If you never challenge the respiratory system, any physical activity will be difficult to perform. Stay conditioned by being active everyday.

Even though staying on top of your health might seem like a full-time job, the pay-off is more than worth it. Your breathing is just one sign that something is off balance. Listen to your body, and you will enjoy life to the fullest.

Mark Rosenberg, M.D.
Institute For Healthy Aging

Asthma Relief - 8 Quick & Easy Steps

Although Asthma is associated with airborne allergies and occasional food sensitivities, great improvement can occur by following a few simple suggestions.

1. Remove all asthma causing allergens or irritants

(tobacco smoke, pet dander, dust mites, pollen, perfumes, cleaning products, mold & mildew)

- The quality of air you breathe in your home may be robbing you of good health. Modern energy- efficient homes, by virtue of their airtight design, often trap chemical vapors from furniture, carpets, and building adhesives. Condensation from air ducts, houseplant soil, and sink areas can produce harmful mold, fungus, yeast and bacteria.

2. Rid your home of all toxic personal care and home care products.

- The EPA warns the nation's worst pollution is inside our homes. A number of homes tested have toxic chemical levels 70 times higher inside the home than outside.

- Since 1980, asthma has increased by 600%. The Canadian Lung Association and the Asthma Society of Canada identify common household cleaners and cosmetics as triggers.

- The outgassing of toxic vapors from both personal care and home hygiene products significantly increases air quality challenges.

3. Convert your home to all natural toxin free products.

- 150 chemicals found in the home are connected to asthma, allergies, birth defects, cancer & phychological disorders. [Source: Consumer Protection Agency (CPA)]

- Chlorine, one of the most harmful cleaning products, is so widespread that it's almost as if a house wouldn't be considered a home without it. An ingredient in many cleaners, chlorine is called hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen chloride and hydrochloric acid. Chlorine is an extremely dangerous substance that can cause permanent physical damage and even death. It is a strong irritant to the lungs and the mucous membranes and has been found to cause ASTHMA.

4. As you convert your home to toxin free products, remember to Shampoo your carpets with all natural, toxin free products.

5. Take a well designed nutritional supplement which supplies the nutrients important to immune system. Triple antioxidant protection

6. Get enough rest.

7. Further relief may come from a humidifier or vaporizer with water.

- Use in bedroom each night for best results. Add all natural tree tea oil to water for relief of symptoms.

8. Change air return filters monthly during extreme weather usage.

- Frequently spray all filters and vents with diluted all natural cleaner.

What does this all really mean for you - well when asthma sufferers are introduced to a chemical free environment their symptoms go away and even more they find their asthma is gone.

Visit my website and get your FREE report

Asthma Cures - Honey and Cinnamon

Asthma is one of the bad health troubles that commonly affect both men and women. Asthma can be cured either by medication or through natural treatment. Honey is the best source to cure asthma, as it contains a wide array of amino acids, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. Honey has the ability to heal any kind of ailments and particularly it can cure asthma much better. As per the truth described from Ayurveda, the increased level of Kapha Dosha in the stomach is the major cause of troublesome asthma problems. The enhanced phase of Kapha blocks will block the natural flow of air and creates trouble in breathing, which in turns results to wheezing.

If you suffer with asthma, then you can find the best cure with honey and cinnamon. These both are considered to be a very effective method to help cure asthma. Gently grind the pinch of comb honey, as it provokes your immune system because of the little quantity of pollen. During the extreme moment, you can chew or grind for about 20 minutes of the honey tops at least 5 to 6 times a day. Asthma sufferers will greatly be benefited by this practice and they can get relief from asthma.

Most of the facts have proven that honey & cinnamon has an ability to help cure most diseases. Honey and cinnamon are always effective and moreover they are free from any side effects. Honey and cinnamon mints will surely work as well, as they are very rich and efficient herbs that will cleanly eliminate the cause of asthma attacks. Here is the detailed description for the method of treatment that an asthma patient can practice for getting a complete cure.

Take one tea spoon of honey and a half tea spoon of cinnamon powder. Mix them significantly prior to your consumption. This will be the best treatment to get a complete cure for your asthma problem. Honey is a really effective home remedy treatment for asthma. Honey could be taken from any form and when it is mixed with cinnamon, it will give you quick relief. It assists you better to help you cough away the accumulated mucus that is built up in your respiratory passage. These are simple proven facts that will help people in getting better relief from asthma problems.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about honey and cinnamon asthma cures, please visit Asthma Allergens for current articles and discussions.