Sunday, November 16, 2008

Natural Asthma Cure - Asthma Homeopathic Treatment

With the numerous and latest natural remedies and alternative medicines for asthma conditions, there is always the so-called natural asthma cure. However, in reality, there is no real cure for asthma conditions.

The best cure that is given to the condition can only be referred as the asthma treatment or products.

One natural asthma cure is the natural therapy that aids in managing the asthma condition. A negative response to emotional stress may cause asthma attacks. To relieve stress, some natural relaxation remedies can help such as biofeedback, guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation and deep abdominal breathing.

Other studies show that diet can be a natural remedy for asthma, since it helps alleviates the asthma symptoms. Eating food rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as cod, mackerel, salmon and any other kind of high-fat fish can help decrease inflammation within the body that cause asthma attacks. Though this fact is still unproven to benefit asthma conditions, high-fat fishes can be rich in other vitamins and minerals that help boost the immune system of the body.

While considering which natural asthma treatment to use, it is also necessary to give importance on the possible effects of the cure, whether beneficial or risky. Do not use any type of dietary supplements without the proper consultation from the health professional or asthma specialist.

There might be some diet supplements that could contain products or plants that are allergens to your asthma condition such as pollen. Without the proper consultation, it may result in some serious or life threatening situations.

Even without the natural asthma cure, asthma conditions can still be controlled and treated through several medications. In managing asthma for treatment and control, it should be secured with proper diagnosis on what kind of asthma it is. If possible, work with the doctor on developing an action plan for your asthma condition.

Discover the best chronic asthma naturist treatment at my site. Visit my asthma homeopathy site for more information.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

An Acute Asthma Attack - This is the Way the Professionals Easily Treated It

nflammation in the airways causes them to narrow in one of three ways, they may flood with mucus, the inner lining of the bronchi may swell or the spiral muscles in the bronchi can constrict, or in the worst cases a combination of all three.

This leads to the characteristic wheezing as you struggle to breathe. Your chest will feel tight, you may cough up phlegm and you will be short of breath. In an acute attack, it will be difficult to breathe in, and you will feel as though someone is suffocating you.

Classic symptoms of an asthma attack include the following:

- Difficulty in breathing accompanied by loud wheezing, especially when breathing out.

- Hyperventilation - that is, breathing more rapidly than normal

- Pushed out chest and difficulty in speaking

- A blue tinge to the face, especially around the lips and mouth, a sign that you are not getting enough oxygen.

- Racing pulse and sweating

A severe acute asthma attack is a medical emergency and needs to be treated by a doctor and in hospital. The racing pulse could just mean that you are scared or it could be caused by the bronchodilator (the medication you are likely to administer yourself by means of a puffer) which stimulates the release of adrenaline.

In an asthma attack, make sure the sufferer uses reliever medication immediately, is that has no effect within 5 to 10 minutes call the emergency services, continue with the medication until help arrives. If not, you must bring the sufferer to the nearest hospital immediately.

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